Helping Hope Flourish: Introducing Our Team

Meet our Global Team that helps hope flourish around the world.


Jenn Petersen

Jenn Petersen

President and Chief Executive Officer

Talmage Payne

Talmage Payne

Chief Programs Officer

Nancy Green

Nancy Green

Chief Development Officer

Saidu Kanu

Saidu Kanu

Global Ambassador & Advisor

Katie Kirkpatrick

Katie Kirkpatrick

Senior Director of Human Resources and Employee Engagement

Nikhil Mani

Nikhil Mani

Director of Information Technology

Country Offices 

Frederico Cabredo

Frederico Cabredo

Country Director, Philippines

Emelita Goddard, PhD

Emelita Goddard, PhD

Country Director, Cambodia

Grace Kargbo

Grace Kargbo

Regional Leader West Africa

Richeleau Nance

Richeleau Nance

Program Manager, Operations, Liberia

 David-Kensley Saintil S.

David-Kensley Saintil S.

Program Manager, Haiti