Hoboken Grace Cares for Caregivers of Children With Disabilities

by | Jun 12, 2024 | Global Health, Partnership

Each year, members of Hoboken Grace church in Hoboken, N.J., head halfway around the world to a public beach in Freetown, Sierra Leone. The reason is a short-term mission trip for Enable the Children (ETC) Beach Day, a World Hope International (WHI) annual event that began in 2008.

As a partner, Hoboken Grace helps organize the party that honors roughly 600 to 900 children with disabilities like Chernor and their caregivers, who often are ostracized in Sierra Leone.

Watch this 3-minute video to see how Enable the Children Beach Day brings happiness to children like Chernor, who lives with disabilities in Sierra Leone.  

The Hoboken Grace team shares World Hope’s goal to change long-held beliefs and perceptions that have been passed down over generations in Sierra Leone.  

Beach Day is a fun break for children with disabilities and their caretakers, and it’s a way to educate the public about people with disabilities, what causes disabilities and how with resources, children can overcome challenges. Children and their caregivers play together at the beach, share stories of what they’re going through and hear inspiring words from prominent stakeholders and dignitaries who attend.

What’s more, the team from Hoboken Grace hosts an annual two-day retreat for Enable the Children staff. The team understands that caregivers of children with disabilities need care and support, too.  

Caregivers bear heavy burdens that can lead to depression and feelings of isolation, and children with disabilities need caregivers who are supported.  

In 2024, Hoboken Grace hosted its eighth retreat for Enable the Children staff at a beach resort. The team has been hosting annual retreats for Enable the Children staff since 2017. Thank you, Hoboken Grace!  

Learn how your organization can make a difference as a faith-based, corporate or other partner. Email nancy.green@worldhope.org.  

Kristen Wright

Kristen Wright

Special Guest Contributor

Kristen Wright is a journalist with more than 20 years’ experience covering global issues. She is chief strategist and editor at Kristen Wright Strategic Communications. Reach her at kristen@kwstrategic.com and wrightkristenm on LinkedIn. 

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