La Gonâve Wesleyen Hospital
An island of healthcare excellence for Haiti
Help us continue to keep the lights on for this beacon of healthcare hope to shine bright on La Gonâve Island!
More than 100,000 residents on the “forgotten island” of La Gonâve, Haiti depend upon the life-saving care provided by the hospital.
Let them know we haven’t forgotten them by giving today.
Phase 1 Funding Needs: $250,000
Critical components of Phase I include a new blood bank and transfusion center and an oxygen generation plant that will eventually be a revenue stream for the hospital.
Upgrade and expand the water supply system
Blood Donation
Build a 24-7 blood donation and transfusion center
Create a new oxygen generation (PSA) plant
Lab services
Increase lab service capacity and equipment
Once Phase I projects are fully funded, we can move quickly to Phase II and the construction of a much-needed outpatient clinic that will serve 150 to 200 patients per day!
About the hospital
La Gonâve Wesleyen Hospital is dedicated to caring for the sick, promoting preventative medicine, and training caregivers and technicians on the island of La Gonâve, Haiti. Since its founding in 1948 by medical missionaries, the 60-bed hospital has provided basic health services through resident medical staff and visiting teams. It now operates 13 departments.
Story of Hope
La Gonâve Hospital: A Safe Port of Care in Haiti
Phase I of this Capital Campaign is nearly complete! Ensure Haiti has a medical facility that shines a beacon of hope amid poverty and gang violence.