Full Circle – A Student is now the Teacher
In a rural farming community in the Philippines, World Hope International’s (WHI) programs have created a tapestry of transformation where educational and individual empowerment weave together to build a future of hope and opportunity for the local indigenous youth.
The students at World Hope’s partner school come from families struggling against the odds. The support they receive through World Hope’s Child Sponsorship program is more than just financial; it encompasses a holistic approach that includes education, community empowerment, and the overall well-being of every child.
This community was once unfamiliar with topics such as child’s rights, gender-based violence, child trafficking, and the perils of drug abuse, all of which were necessary to address. Additionally, WHI’s partnership with the school created an open dialogue with parents, teachers, and The Wesleyan Church about the school’s financial sustainability. Having an open dialogue and ongoing discussions ensures that education is not viewed as a fleeting opportunity but a critical component of community strength and future growth within and for this area.

A striking feature of WHI’s effort is the innovative concept of “School Ambassadors,” introduced in 2018 as part of WHI’s remodeled Child Sponsorship program. These young student ambassadors embody excellence, showcasing not only stellar academic performance but also modeling integrity and character to their fellow classmates and the broader community.
Charlie grew up in a mountainous village in this part of the Philippines. His dreams and aspirations were nurtured by WHI’s support of this community school. He excelled at educational pursuits and his spiritual growth was nurtured as a result of WHI’s ongoing support. His dreams evolved from mere possibilities to tangible realities. Now Charlie is a trained teacher and a natural storyteller, inspiring the next generation of students in this partner school.
Today, Charlie’s journey has come full circle. As a teacher at the school he once attended, he imparts knowledge and values, paying forward the gift of education and empowerment he received.
His life story encapsulates the essence of WHI’s holistic approach. Through education, vocational skills development, and life skills training, WHI ensures that dreams aren’t just dreamed, but are actually achieved.

Charlie’s journey, from dreamer to empowered educator, echoes the heartbeat of transformation that WHI brings to this community through its school partnership. Through unwavering support and education from WHI supporters, World Hope is able to nurture resilience, foster dreams, and illuminate a path forward for generations to come.

Ashley Howard
Director Strategic Engagement
World Hope International

Tara Kram
Director of Child Sponsorship
World Hope International