Strengthening Responses to Trafficking

Addressing Trafficking in Persons (TIP) needs to be accomplished on all levels of society – including within the law.

Project Information

Project Status: Active
Start Date: October 1, 2017
End Date: March 01, 2020
Extended Date: August 2020
CountriesSierra Leone

Gender Equality Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions

Addressing Trafficking in Persons (TIP)

World Hope’s legacy of trafficking-prevention work was recognized when the European Union Delegation to Sierra Leone approached WHI to facilitate this prevention and recovery project for the country.

The project builds upon previous work done by WHI to increase awareness and advocacy through Village Parent Groups, as well as train new community members and review the country’s current Anti-Trafficking Act.

Through this project, WHI is also working to respond to the needs of survivors, assisting their reintegration back into their families and communities. 

As part of the prevention aspect of the project, WHI facilitates trainings across the country for law enforcement and border officials. This enables those people to identify, respond to, and refer cases of trafficking and reduce the likelihood of trafficking across the borders. 

It will also help pave the way for legal action, with the prosecution of traffickers who have been identified. 

Project Goals
  1. To revise, draft, and present to Parliament a revised Anti-human trafficking Act, 2005
  2. Reduced prevalence and acceptance of the worst forms of child labor and human trafficking
  3. The achievement of decent work and human rights for women and youth in the informal economy in Sierra Leone
Expected Outcomes
  1. Revised Anti-human trafficking Act, 2005
  2. 200 survivors identified, referred, and supported through recovery
  3. 360 individuals within existing community groups supported to detect and refer cases of exploitation, including child labor and trafficking

Trafficking of any kind is illegal and anyone involved should be held accountable.

Janet Nickel

WHI Technical Adviser

participants reviewed draft TIP registration

new TIP survivors provided with care and protection services

survivors placed in partner shelters or reintegrated with family

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