Not Just Puttering Around: A Golf Game With an International Impact
Since 2011, this golf tournament has partnered with WHI to raise money for drilling wells–helping to provide clean drinking water for 70,000+ people…
Since 2011, this golf tournament has partnered with WHI to raise money for drilling wells–helping to provide clean drinking water for 70,000+ people…
Our #EarthAndEmergencies Webinar panelists responded to questions and provided some additional resources that were mentioned during the conversation. See their responses and watch or listen to the webinar recording…
Deputy Secretary-General Amina J. Mohammed observed that women and girls living with disabilities suffer the “double discrimination” of sex and disability, and Henrietta Fore, Executive Director of the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) pointed out that children…
Child sponsorship holistically gives children, their families, and their communities the tools to become change-makers themselves—resulting in sustainable transformation. That’s always something to celebrate!
It is powerful that a person in a position of authority – a man, no less – has, in this declaration of national emergency, essentially told them that “what has happened to you is not okay and we’re going to do something to respond to that.”